Category: Short Film

Sam did It 0

Sam did It (2018)

Sam Did It is a short film directed by British actor and writer Dominic Burgess, who also stars in the film Occasionally a short film as an in-betweenie is always welcome. Naturally, the short duration (that’s why it’s called a short film) is a huge plus. Also, the fact that...


Short Feature : The Babysitter (2017)

Regularly they ask me if I could watch an independent movie and write something about it so that it gets some extra attention. I got an email from Greg Klepper, maker of the short film “The Babysitter“, with a rather poignant message. Apparently, this film was shunned by the festival...


Short Film : I baked him a cake

Lenora, a young girl, wakes up excited to bake her father his favorite cake on his birthday. As Lenora bakes, she notices strange behavior from Mom. Meanwhile, Dad isn’t home yet and it’s growing late… Genre : Horror Country : USA Cast : Fleece : Mother Lilliane Gray : Lenora...